Sarkodie Impregnated Me In 2010, I Aborted It – Yvonne Nelson

Award-winning Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson said she aborted a pregnancy for rapper Sarkodie in 2010 after a short relationship.

She stated this in her book “I Am Not Yvonne Nelson,” which was released on Sunday at Peduase Lodge in Ghana.

Yvonne wrote about the experience on pages 88-95 of Chapter 8 of her new book.

“I had gone for a pregnancy test to confirm what becomes the most obvious conclusion for a sexually active young woman who misses her monthly flow. I was in the company of Karen. And when the test result was ready, I wasn’t strong enough to open it. She did and declared the verdict.

Charlie, it dey there!’, she exclaimed.

“On an ordinary day, I would have laughed out loud and that would trigger a string of jolly conversations and jokes. But this was no laughing matter. It was a grim piece of information that was capable of turning my world upside down.

“I wasn’t the only one responsible for the situation, so I called the man whose potent seed had germinated in me. His name is Michael Owusu Addo, a renowned Ghanaian musician who is better known as Sarkodie”.

Sarkodie was a budding musician with the potential to become one of the biggest artists in Ghana and beyond. At the time, however, the future looked uncertain, and his way through the maze of life still appeared too foggy to predict. Success was not guaranteed. He was still living with his mother and was not ready to carry a burden while he was being carried by his mother.

Writing on their relationship, Nelson added, “I wouldn’t call what had developed between us a serious relationship. I gravitated toward people in the music industry. For the longest time in my life, music was my getaway from all the unpleasant things life threw at me. So, I liked his talent. We started talking and got close, closer.

The actress described in the book how she attempted to abort the pregnancy by taking concoctions from a coworker, but the drug did not work because a test proved she was still pregnant.

“The first thing that hit me when he said no to keeping the pregnancy was my own life. I had grown up without a father in my life. I had often been reminded of how I had been borne by mistake.

“I was still wondering if the man whose name I bore was my father. How was I going to bring another human being into this world to live like me, someone whose father would reject him or her as Mr. Nelson had rejected me? If there was a way to spare someone else the trauma I was contending with, why would I reject that option, especially when I was not,” Yvonne Nelson said in her book.

She also recounted ultimately succeeding in terminating the pregnancy, which she described as one of the most unfortunate mistakes of her life. She went on to say that if the clock of life could be turned back to her younger self, she would have kept it.

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